For any of you that have visited this blog before, and God forbid, if there are any regular readers, then you'll notice a new layout. But it's not just a pretty picture...
Besides the layout, you’ll notice a few additions, beginning with the Amazon advertisements. Just to set the record straight, it’s not my intention to make money from this blog. The ads are there for the sake of curiosity more than anything else. Neither do I intend to lure anyone into any bum deals. There’s currently two books listed there (which may or may not change in the future) that you will find recommended throughout the socially anxious world. Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness is what you’d expect from a CBT based self-help book and is definitely worth a read. Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe I have not read yet, but in the extremely unlikely event that I make enough money from those ads to buy it, then that is what I’ll do and I’ll review it right here for you. How’s that for fairness?
You will also find the addition of RSS, so you can now subscribe to this blog rather than checking back everyday for the next three months only to find I haven’t posted anything. Considering my somewhat sparse and intermittent approach to writing here recently, I thought that would be a good idea. I’ve got no idea if it actually works properly, I’m just clicking a few buttons and hoping for the best. But hey, it’s the effort that counts, give me a gold star.
Other than that, partly because I don’t post here much and partly because information on social anxiety, especially blogs, can be impossibly difficult to find, I’m trying to generate a worthy list of links, to sites, blogs, articles, etc. Much of the stuff linked up there I haven’t read yet but I have had a quick flick through and some of them look half decent. I don’t want to discriminate against tastes either, if it doesn’t suit me, then that’s not to say it won’t suit you. I’d love to hear of anymore stuff out there, so long as the entire thing is not one long whinge, let me know.
As always, feedback is appreciated.